Airbus gets 26 more commercial aircraft orders in April

Deliveries, however, slowed down to 45 aircraft from 72 in March
Air Cairo A320neo (Airbus)

Airbus expanded its backlog by 26 aircraft in April, thanks to the sale of an A319neo to an undisclosed customer and Delta’s extra order of 25 A321neo.

The European planemaker also said it had received a new order for 14 A320neo and eight A321neo from lessor Avolon, however, the aircraft were not launched in the main report.

The detailed list shows that the Irish company exchanged two A320neo for two A321neo. Another registered swap involved SMBC, which did the reverse of Avolon with two aircraft as well.

Order reductions include an A320neo from BOC Aviation in addition to four other aircraft from unreported customers. The airlines TAP, Sichuan, Juneyao and China Southern, in turn, increased their orders by only one A320neo.

With these changes, Airbus closed April with 20,341 firm orders and a backlog of 6,979 aircraft.

Delta Air Lines A321neo rendendring (Airbus)


The airframer delivered 45 commercial jets last month, eight of them widebodies, two A330-900 for Corsair and Delta Air Lines and six A350-900 (two for Air France, two for Air China, one for China Eastern and one China Southern ).

Among the narrowbodies, Airbus delivered three A220-300 (Delta, Air Baltic and JetBlue), 18 A320neo, 13 A321neo and three A320ceo (all for Delta).

The result worse than March was marked by the drop in deliveries of the A320neo family, from 57 to just 31 units.

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