The Netherlands, Portugal and Austria are potential customers of the A-29N Super Tucano

Countries were mentioned by the CEO of Embraer Defense & Security during a media event in Portugal
A-29N Super Tucano
A-29N Super Tucano (Embraer)

The new variant of the Embraer Super Tucano adapted for operations in European countries, especially among NATO member nations, the A-29N may receive its first orders later this year.

This is what the CEO of Embraer Defense & Security, Bosco da Costa Junior, revealed in an interview with Flight Global during a media event in Portugal.

“We expect to have a launch customer [of the A-29N] this year”. Among the possible interested parties in the Super Tucano in Europe, Bosco indicated the Netherlands and Portugal, both members of NATO, in addition to Austria.

The head of the defense division explained that the A-29N is being offered for defensive training, join attack terminal controller (JTAC) and reconnaissance missions.

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According to the Brazilian manufacturer, the A-29N will be equipped with features compatible with NATO operational requirements, including a new datalink system and single-pilot operation.

Embraer, however, has not yet defined the additional content that the European Super Tucano can receive. “We have intentions to add additional equipment,” said Costa Junior, citing a smart display.

Philippine Air Force A-29 Super Tucano (Embraer)

In a recent interview, the chief executive of Embraer Defense & Security pointed out that there is a potential market of US$ 6.5 billion for 500 Super Tucano aircraft over the next 20 years.

Europe is still an untouched market for the Super Tucano, unlike other regions of the world. There are currently around 260 Embraer attack turboprops in service in 16 countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North America.

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In service with the Brazilian Air Force since 2003, the Super Tucano is an evolution of the EMB-312 Tucano. The aircraft that can be used in different military activities is one of the greatest export successes in the history of the Brazilian military industry, and is also considered the most efficient aircraft in the world in its category.

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